バンコクの最高のおまかせレストラン - Sushi Yorokobu BKK
Sushi Yorokobu BKKのこだわり - 季節の厳選食材
価格 | バンコクの最高のおまかせレストラン
おまかせ12コース: 2,900++ バーツ
季節限定18コース: 6,900++ バーツ
ディナー:17:30 | 20:00
Sushi Yorokobu Bkk のメニューを見る | バンコクで最高のおまかせ
寿司よろこぶ Bkk レストランの Google マップの住所
コハダ(小肌): 特別な酢漬け処理で風味を引き立て、魚本来の旨味を際立たせています。
アナゴ: 海で育ったアナゴを低温でじっくり調理し、柔らかく豊かな風味をお届けします。
カツオ(鰹): 日本産の藁で燻製し、微酸の特製ソースで提供しています。香り豊かでユニークな味わいです。
アワビ(鮑): コリコリとした食感と滑らかな口当たりが特徴のアワビを、肝ソースでお楽しみください。
マグロ(まぐろ): 低温熟成を経て、マグロの油脂と旨味がより一層引き立ちます。
香箱蟹(セイコガニ): 冬限定の香箱蟹は、贅沢な味わいで冬の季節にぴったりです。
カワハギ(剥き身): 淡泊な味わいの中に独特の旨味が広がり、肝ソースとの相性が抜群です。
イクラとウニ: 漬けイクラとクリーミーなウニの絶妙な組み合わせで、極上の口溶けをお楽しみください。
白子: クリーミーで濃厚な白子を、ポン酢または天ぷらの二通りで提供します。
こはだ – 特製酢で風味豊かに (醋漬)

アナゴ – 川アナゴではなく海アナゴ
アナゴは淡水ウナギだと勘違いしている人も多いですが、実は海に生息するウナギです。 Sushi Yorokobu BKKでは、ゆっくりと調理し、焼き、軽く焼く技術を組み合わせて使用しています。アナゴの繊細な風味を生かした調理法で、柔らかく風味豊かな噛み応えを実現します。

かつお - 日本のわら - かつおの燻製

あわび – プリプリアワビの肝ソース添え

マグロ – 熟成させて濃厚に

せいこかに 季節のズワイガニの味わい

かわはぎ – レザージャケットの肝付き魚
カワハギは、その赤身と独特の風味で知られる珍味です。 「鮨よろこぶBKK」では、レバーのタレを添えて提供しており、クリーミーなコクが繊細な魚を引き立たせます。

イクラとユニ – 完璧な組み合わせ

白子 2つの作り方
鮨よろこぶ BKK では、白子を 2 つの異なるスタイルで提供しています。さっぱりポン酢でいただくほか、特製タレで天ぷらとしてもお召し上がりいただけます。それぞれの調理法により、白子のクリーミーな食感と繊細な味わいのさまざまな側面が強調されます。

Sushi Yorokobu BKKでは、日本での経験豊富なシェフが、お客様一人ひとりに特別な体験を提供しています。シェフの卓越した技術と創造力が光る料理の数々は、ただの食事ではなく、味覚の芸術ともいえるでしょう。
If you’re looking for an authentic and unforgettable Omakase experience, we invite you to visit us and try our latest creations. Don’t forget to check out our gallery to see the artistry and craftsmanship that go into each dish.
Sushi Yorokobu BKKへのアクセス
Sushi Yorokobu BKKは、バンコクのThonglor Soi 10に位置しており、アクセスも便利です。バンコクで本格的な日本料理を楽しみたい方、ぜひ一度足を運んでみてください。
寿司よろこぶ Bkk レストランの Google マップの住所
Sushi Yorokobu Bkk のメニューを見る | バンコクで最高のおまかせ
Make a Reservation and Join Us for a Unique Omakase Experience
Ready to experience our seasonal menu?
omakase menu update - November 2024,
Book your seat now through our Reservation Page. You can also check out our full Omakase Menu for more details on our offerings.
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Stay updated with our latest menu offerings and events by following us on Social Media as following. We regularly post exclusive behind-the-scenes looks and updates about Sushi Yorokobu Bkk.
Join us at Sushi Yorokobu Bkk to experience the best Omakase in Bangkok, featuring a carefully curated menu that celebrates the essence of Japanese winter flavors.
Our chefs are dedicated to providing an authentic and unforgettable culinary journey.
Book your reservation today.
Why Choose Sushi Yorokobu Bkk?
What makes Sushi Yorokobu BKK’s Omakase experience unique?
A: At Sushi Yorokobu BKK, we focus on a seasonal Omakase experience, crafted by award-winning Master Chef Tango Lai. Each dish is designed to reflect the freshest ingredients from Japan, offering a unique culinary journey every month.
Why is Master Chef Tango Lai so renowned?
A: Chef Tango Lai has over 20 years of expertise in Japanese cuisine and has won "The Best of the Best Master Chef" award two years in a row. His skill and dedication to Omakase elevate the dining experience, bringing authentic Japanese artistry to every plate.
What type of ingredients does Sushi Yorokobu BKK use?
A: We source premium, seasonal ingredients directly from Japan, ensuring freshness and quality in every bite. From tuna to sea urchin and snow crab, our menu reflects the best of Japan’s seasonal offerings.
How intimate is the dining experience at Sushi Yorokobu BKK?
A: Our restaurant features an exclusive 12-seat sushi counter, allowing for a more personal and engaging dining experience. Guests have the unique opportunity to watch Chef Tango prepare each dish with precision and artistry.
How often does the menu change at Sushi Yorokobu BKK?
A: Our menu is updated monthly to reflect the finest seasonal ingredients from Japan. This ensures that each visit to Sushi Yorokobu BKK brings a new and exciting Omakase experience, tailored to the season’s best flavors.
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Review - Sushi Yorokobu Bkk
About Master Chef Tango Lai
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Line @sushiyorokobu.bkk
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Master Chef Tango Lai of Sushi Yorokobu BKk got
Gold Award of Hong Kong
The Best of the Best Master Chef
Recommendation Restaurant 2022 and 2023
Exceptional Cuisine and Service
Sushi Yorokobu 鮨㐂

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Trust the chef ( Omakase )
Sushi Yorokobu Bkk - Omakase in Bangkok Thonglor
Chefs Combines their strong tendency in Edomae tradition together with their innovative aptitude to compose an unique dining menu for you .
Every elements of the dining journey is unique , exclusive and prepared
with finest ingredients of the day . Now , it's time for our chef to flex
their culinary talents and leave you satisfied .
Edomae - Red Vinegar is the important ingredient
Edomae sushi restaurants however, use a kind of rice vinegar called Akasu (赤酢/Akazu). This vinegar has it’s historical beginnings in the 1800s, where pure rice could not have been fermented due as it was luxurious an ingredient to be used. Instead, left over sake lees from the sake making process would be stored in wooden boxes and aged over time.
Through years and years of the gentle Mallard reaction, these solids turned from white to black and developed a sweet and earthy aroma. The same ageing reaction here would be the same reaction that is undergone by aged wine, cheese and whiskeys.
The variety of flavour compounds produced from the chemical breakdown inside the sake lees produced a variety of complex flavours. After ageing, the now black sake lees are mixed with water to form a mash known as Moromi (もろみ/醪). Similiar to balsamic vinegar, this mash is constantly turned and compressed.
When fully matured, the mash is strained to form a reddish-black liquid that looks similar to soy sauce. This liquid is inoculated with a vinegar mother and then allowed to undergo acetic acid fermentation. The final product after acetic acid fermentation is a deep concentrated red vinegar, which has the depth of complexity just like a real aged DOP Balsamic vinegar, but with a much lighter and fluid viscosity. When used to make sushi rice, it gives the rice a golden hue.
Japanese Rice with Red Vinegar mixed - Sushi Yorokobu Bkk 鮨㐂 - Omakase Bangkok
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Red Vinegar Rice Sushi is the Sole of restaurant's Head Chef
It is this vinegar that is used by sushi masters . It is this mixture (known as awasezu/合わせ酢) that gives each sushi master’s rice it’s very own signature taste. From what I know, the only vinegar brewery that still makes this vinegar is based in Tokyo. This is because the demand for this kind of vinegar is small, plus the entire production process takes a very long time due to the long ageing requirements .
They do however, seem to sell their red vinegar to America under the name “Premium Akasu”. If interested, a quick google search will show you where you can find some. Instead, they have decided to produce a pre-made blend of their red rice vinegar .
Idea from Master Chef Tango Lai - Sushi Yorokobu Bkk
Master Chef Tango Lai - Sushi Yorokobu 鮨㐂 - Over 20 Years experience of Japanese food , who make the Unique's taste of sushi with Seasonal and fresh fish .
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